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Planning and ordering exhibition materials

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

Going to any trade fair starts with preparation. This is an extremely important part, as it lays the foundations for the success, meaningfulness and reputation of your participation. It's a great opportunity to make your company stand out and find new partners! Marketing materials prepared for the trade fair will certainly contribute to all of this, and will be sure to be handed out to interested parties.

Participation in trade fairs is one of the most important sales channels for a company - they provide a quick and direct contact with potential customers and often provide the opportunity to meet real decision-makers and key people who are difficult to reach in other circumstances. It is an opportunity to raise your visibility with customers, investors, partners and future employees.

Making an impression is a journey - a new contact visits a stand (if there is one), looks at a web or landing page, reads printed marketing materials, talks to company representatives. This journey should be smooth and leave a consistently trustworthy and good impression. A good journey doesn't just happen, it needs to be planned in a deliberate and systematic way.

Planning and ordering exhibition materials. Pakenditööstus OÜ can help your company stand out with high-quality printed materials and everything else that goes into trade fair materials.

Exhibition materials include:

  • boxes, packaging, wrappers, paper bags

  • banners, labels, lanyards, necklaces, collar cards, ballpoint pens

  • kinkekaardid, lauakolmnurgad, lauarääkijad, riiulirääkijad, ukserääkijad

  • raffle boxes, parking meters, board games

  • posters, banners, pop-ups, billboards

  • billboards, billboards, billboards, advertising cubes, roll-up billboards

  • business cards, magazines, catalogues, brochures, flyers, manuals, books.

  • invitations, vouchers, tickets, postcards, envelopes, textbooks.

  • blanks, registers, calendars, writing pads, note pads, document covers.

Messimaterjalid Pakenditööstus OÜ-st
Exhibition materials from the Pakenditööstus OÜ

Pakenditööstus OÜ offers a variety of packaging, boxes, paper bags and packaging envelopes.

Read more about packaging materials and packaging in Pakenditööstus OÜ's blog.

Be sure to check out the Pakenditindustrie YouTube channel.

Also visit the website of Pakenditööstus OÜ's subsidiary Pakendi OÜ.

Get in touch and discover how Pakenditööstus OÜ can help you stand out through packaging!


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