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Pallets and Euro pallets

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

Almost every trade and transport sector inevitably comes into contact with different types of pallets. A pallet or chassis is a base, frame or support of fixed dimensions for the transport and storage of goods (wikipedia).

The most common Euro pallet dimensions are 800 x 1200 x 144mm, weight ~20 kg, load capacity ~1500 kg.

You will recognise a certified Eurovessel:

  1. UIC (Rahvusvaheline Raudteede Liit) või EPAL markeeringu

  2. ISPM-15 labelling (International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures, which sets out health aspects)

  3. Official EUR marking for the European Freight Market

  4. the marking of the pound type

  5. by nailing pattern

Eurovessel requirements:

  • surfaces must be clean, with no visible traces of dirt or chemicals (glues, paints, oils).

  • there must be no traces of live or dead wood pests on pallets.

  • the euro tables must not be rotten or mouldy.

  • all pallets must be heat treated and bear the appropriate ISPM 15 mark.

  • cross-braids on tables are not allowed.

  • if the pallet table is broken, it is only allowed if no more than one pound or pound mark is visible on the outside. If the damage is outside the nailing area, the length of the damage must not exceed 88mm.

  • a cracked cube is not allowed if more than one nail or nail mark is visible.

  • ülaltoodud nõuetele mittevastavusel tuleb euroalus kas välja vahetada või reeglite järgi parandada.

High-quality and durable pallets help to transport your shipment safely and conveniently, and store it efficiently. At Pakenditööstus OÜ you will find certified pallets in standard sizes, in common EUR sizes, with different load capacities and finishes. The range of pallets available from Pakenditööst OÜ includes plastic and wooden pallets. Plastic pallets are very reliable, reusable, with anti-slip surface treatment. Pakenditindustrie also offers recycled/reused wooden pallets.

Pallets are tested to ISO standard loads, have a stable and uniform surface distribution. High quality plastic Euro pallets are easy to stack and maintain, impact resistant and have a very low wear factor. Compared to wooden pallets, plastic pallets have better weight capacity and the material is many times more stable. Pallets are primarily designed for the transport and storage of goods, but with a good imagination, the range of uses for these pallets is many times greater and offers a wide range of applications. The sale of pallets is an important product group for the packaging industry, and our warehouse is a great example of how to store goods on different pallets.

Kaubaalustega kauba ladustamine
Kaubaalustega kauba ladustamine

Plastikust kaubaalused
Plastic pallets

Puidust kaubaalused leiavad väga laialdast kasutust
Wooden pallets find a very wide range of uses

Pakenditööstus OÜ offers a wide range of packaging, boxes, paper bags, packaging envelopes and pallets. In addition to a large printing production, Pakenditööstus OÜ is also the owner of a new warehouse with great facilities. We have a wide range of warehouse services and e-shop support services.

Read more about packaging materials and packaging in Pakenditööstus OÜ's blog.

Be sure to check out the Pakenditindustrie YouTube channel.

Also visit the website of Pakenditööstus OÜ's subsidiary Pakendi OÜ.

Get in touch and discover how Pakenditööstus OÜ can help you stand out through packaging!

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